Today my baby boy is 1. I'm a bit sad about that. How did that happen? How did this year fly by so fast?
So what went down one year ago????
I was due November 12, 2010. That was a Friday. I worked all day like I usually do. I got home a little after 5 pm. Eric and Taylor had to run out somewhere to a store. I was going to start fixing dinner. At 6, I started feeling sick to my stomach. Great! Just what I need. A stomach bug. The thought of throwing up while 9 months pregnant made me want to cry. So I called Eric and told him to pick them up something on their way home since I was feeling too awful to cook. I couldn't believe how fast it came on. On my way to lay down for a bit, my midwife Rosie texted me and asked if I felt like anything could be going on. She was going out to dinner with some friends and was going to have a glass of wine if it didn't feel like I was doing anything. I told her I was sick to my stomach but that was it. Other than that I didn't feel like anything was going to happen so I told her she might as well drink an entire bottle of wine.
By 9 pm my stomach wasn't bothering me too much and I never did end up getting sick but I had a raging sinus headache thanks to my lovely allergies. Eric did too. We both took a couple Benadryl (he chased his with a couple beers) and hoped for a good nights sleep.
By 10 pm Eric was sound asleep in bed. I was finishing up some laundry and started having mild contractions. So, I started some light cleaning and another load of laundry thinking they may just fade away and I could go to bed. By 10:30 they were 3 minutes apart. 15 minutes later they were spacing out. I texted Rosie to let her know and told her to rest and I would let her know when things picked up. I also called my sister Sarah who was driving 2 hours for the birth so she would be ready to go if this was it. After many trips to the bathroom ( I have to pee every 10 mins when in labor) at 11:30 there was some bloody show. Ok, this is it! The real deal!!!!!
I called my sister and told her since it was late already, she should come down now and could sleep when she gets here vs driving down at 3 am. I woke up Eric and told him but he was so messed up from the Benadryl and beer that I let him sleep a bit longer because he was out of it. I in true Kellie fashion, can not sit still and rest while in labor. So I continued to clean and do laundry. Up and down the basement stairs a few times and things really go going. I had made and froze a batch of beef stew for after I had the baby. For some reason, that sounded like something good and hearty to eat after giving birth. So I got it out of the freezer and into the crock pot.
Eric got up around 12:30 and started setting up the birth pool. My labors aren't usually that long and we wanted to be ready. I called Rosie at that time to let her know I was moving along and that she should come in a couple hours.
Sarah arrived around 2 am and Rosie around 2:30. Once Rosie got here and got set up things cruised right along. Lucas' head was cocked wrong in my pelvis and had been for a while. I had SPD and had been seeing a chiro for it. During contracitons I was doing side lunges on the bottom step of my stair case to get his head shifted. That was fun... Rosie is a licensed massage therapist and she is very handy to have around during labor. I sat and bounced on the ball while she put pressure in the right spots on my hips.
We sat around laughing and joking a lot. By 6:30 I had to pee again for the 100th time before getting in the birth tub and I had a bulging sack. When I stood up from the toilet, my water broke. This entire time, Ethan was sleeping in our room which is off the living room where we were. He never moved even when we went in there twice so I could be checked. Right after my water broke, I was stepping into the tub when my bedroom door flies open and Ethan is standing there and says, "What are you doing?" We all laughed at the expression on his face. My sister took him in the kitchen and fed him breakfast. After he ate he came to hang out with me. He would go from the tv where his cartoons were on back to the tub to talk to me or rub my arms during a contraction. He went back and forth like that for a while. Then he realized he could stand on the couch and look at the tv then turn his head to see me and remained that way looking back and forth.
After some moving around trying to get comfortable (who can really get comfy while having a baby?) and really struggling to get Lucas' head out I finally found that I felt best perched on the edge of the seat in the tub. With both my other kids I only pushed a total of 4 or 5 times max and they were out. I really struggled with Lucas' big noggin. Then finally.... There he was! According to my sister, it was a full 3 to 4 minutes before I even looked to see if he was a boy or girl. lol...
My beautiful boy was born at 7:11am on November 13, 2010. He weighed 9 lbs 8 oz and was 22 inches long. It was my hardest birth but the best one too. I almost, almost wish I could do it again.
See my post on the board for the link to the album of his birth pictures along with the password to access it.
Now, one year later....
We love turtles so we did a turtle themed birthday part for little man. It was loosely themed because we did not go all out.
I made cupcakes and had Ethan, my nephew and my friend's son decorate them. As you can see from the pics, they were heavy handed with the sprinkles.
I through together a hastily made turtle cupcake cake. I'm actually really crafty but it was a last minute thing and I did it as guests were arriving. hehe.... I was just going to have only the cupcakes the kids did.

I was going to just give Lucas a cupcake to smash but made a small cake for him and Ethan picked out what color frosting to put on it and he decorated it. He was so proud of himself! He even said it had to be on his Yo Gabba Gabba plate to match the frosting.

Lucas was all over the place! He runs everywhere with his walker.

We had a massively full house and he got a lot of gifts. He was a big fan of the cards too.

He got a new and improved walker! No more old cheap hand me down from his big brother. This one has all kinds of fun on it. I can't tell you how many toes he killed pushing that thing all over the house.

Cake time!

Family pic...

That's my boy!

Happy Birthday baby boy!

Thanks for taking the time to read the blogs I posted. I didn't have time to do one each day and my life is dull anyway. There's not much to write about other than my job and housework.
I really enjoy reading about each of you can can't wait for more blogs to be posted!
You all mean the world to me and I'm so glad I found you!