This year, we had a Thomas train and a James train :D Maggie Jo got be her cute self for most of it, but was a puppy dog for a bit. Our families are an hour and a half away, so we get to celebrate halloween all weekend! Here are some pics :D

This is my brother, Robert. He is 3 years older than me, and Trick or Treated him at his work

At my mom's house ..At least Maggie Jo looks cute.

Mom and Maggie Jo

"I fell and I can't get up, Mommy!"

Patrick wanted his picture taken too!

The kids with their "Pa." My grandpa is 90 years old. I love him SO much. His body is really failing him, but at least his mind is still sharp. He has massive humangeomas (can't spell it) but he has had them all his life, and it kept him out of WWII, which really bothered him. They keep growing, and now interfere with his speech very badly. :( Its was nice to visit for a bit.

I saw this at Yankee Candle, and wanted it SO badly! My mom went back and picked it up for a surprise for me. This meant SO much to me. Mom and I kind of have an odd relationship, so something like this means a LOT to me. I LOVE it!

Pumpkin carving at 730 in the morning!! My kids need to learn to sleep longer!

Maggie's cute fall outfit..We had a baby shower to go to :D

Trick or treating at Grandma/pa Verkamp!

Grandma V

Maggie JO and Papaw V

Maggie Jo and Aunt Becky (ROger's baby sis)

not the best of either of us....

best we could get...
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