Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Day 2

Hello again ladies :)
Today was pretty much like yesterday- sewing sewing sewing! I enjoy sewing when I *want* to sew. I personally hate sewing for coop orders though. I offer my product at a discounted price and just feel "used" I guess. I usually only do them when we need the money- which is why I did this last one. I'm not making a dime off of it though since I had to buy a whole roll of PUL with that money. The good thing is that the coop will only use maybe a 5th of the roll, so whatever wet bags I make in addition to the coop will be profit. You probably didn't want to know all of that though, but that's why I hate coop sewing haha. I love doing customs, and I love making my children things though!

I personally think that a good blog post requires a lot of pictures, but maybe that's me. I'm a very visual person! So, anyone want to see some pictures?

I had a good opportunity to take the camera with me this morning when we ran errands all over town (ie. Walmart, fabric store, bank #1 to drop something off at mil, bank #2 to deposit a surprise check-yay!, back to the fabric store, and then Dairy Queen- gasp!), however, I totally forgot the camera! Go me!

I still had plenty of opportunity to bring it with me this afternoon though! I had to make another trip into town! So come along with me on my trip to town!

So, we go outside, hop into dh's car and GASPPPPPPPPPPPPP we can't BREATH! Your lungs are working overtime, you feel like someone is smothering you with a! Quick! Crank up the A/C! Gotta love this south GA heat!

As the A/C is blowing steaming hot air into your face, you can take a glance at our house. Admire with me the overgrown grass and the crazy bushes. Hoping DH will get to that soon! :) There's a pretty blue sky in the background though!

And now for the dirt road....just because...heehee :)

As we get into town we have an intersection....right as I was going to take a picture the light turned green! Quick! Take a picture!

And favorite place in town! It may not look like much...but trust me my friend, this is any sewers paradise! Are you ready for it?? (Btw, this was my 3rd time here today!)

Isn't it beautiful?? Nice outdated letters. Old brick building. Just wait until you see what's inside! 
To the right:

Straight in front of me:

To the far left:

Piles upon piles of beautiful fabric! Any color you desire! Any print your heart can dream up! Any occasion! Any holiday! Any gift! Ok, so maybe I'm getting a bit excited about this place, but seriously, can you see why?
Next, we head over to the hospital to visit a close close family friend who had a stroke yesterday. She's like a Grandma to me and I look up to her so much.

I stopped on all 3 floors b/c I wasn't sure which one was maternity, intensive, and then recovery. On my 3rd try we got the right one lol. Much to my surprise, she was released today!! Good news!!!  Time for a smiling picture b/c I'm happy, not the most flattering, but who cares! I do admit, I could look happier, but the elevator door was opening and I was afraid there was a group of people waiting to get on lol

So, I get back home and I sew....

and while I sew, DH is cooking dinner, makes the kids a "fort", and puts on veggie tales for them:

and then guess what I do! You're never going to guess!
I sew some more!! Woohoo!

I'm just thrilled, can't you tell?

Soooooo, I stop to eat dinner. DH did a great job with it! Then guess what I did? Yep! I sewed some more! Then I ironed the finished bags, and lint roller-ed them, added snaps to the appropriate bags, packaged them up, and then ate a bowl of ice cream (remind me to not buy that stuff anymore!).

And just b/c she's so cute, double chin and all, here's Ruthie. I was trying to get a nursing picture but she would unlatch every time I tried. She was too interested in the camera lol

That's all for today!


  1. Lol @ Ruthie! Love the fabric store, its like a hidden paradise! Great post!!!

  2. i LOVEEEE this blog post. I loved all the pics detailing where you went. I almost felt like i went along with you!
