Sunday, 3 July 2011

Family, near and far!

Family is probably the most important thing to me.  We live about 30 minutes from Dh's parents and brothers, and we live about 3.5 hours from most of my family.  Dh has two younger brothers, and I have 1 older brother. 

This is DH's family.  His parents are in front holding Julianna and our niece Callie.  His middle brother's family is to the left with their 4 kids, his youngest brother is in the middle with his wife and son (their daughter is the other one being held), and our family is on the end.

These are my parents with the kids.  My dad is a huge joker, and the kids think he is hilarious.  My mom has been in poor health since Porter was born, and it wouldn't surprise me if she isn't in the early stages of alzheimers.

 This is my older brother and the boys.  We annoyed the heck out of each other growing up, but we are pretty close now. 

This is some of my extended family at Thanksgiving in 08.  I have 15 first cousins, so when we are all together, there are 60+ of us.  Another member was just added yesterday, when my cousin Brad got married in Charleston.

And since it's my last day, just some favorite pictures. :)

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet, sweet family! <3 I just can't get over your second son's hair when he was little..I LOVE IT!
